Yet another songwriting challenge? We already have FAWM, RPM, 50/90, Rocktober, Noisevember, NaSoAlMo...
... but this one is different. Finish That Song is about working on songs you started some other time, but haven't brought to a state where you would call them finished yet. It's about completing that set of lyrics that is still missing a verse, or setting those lyrics that you wrote two years ago to music, finally, or recording a demo for a song where you have concept of the music but no audio tracks on your harddisk yet, or converting that super-dirty one-take demo into a more polished production.
What's a challenge without a deadline? Finish That Song runs from June 5th, 2021, noon (GMT) to July 4th, 2021, noon (GMT).
There's no central platform for this challenge, so I suggest you just use the hashtag #FinishThatSong on Mastodon and present your songs there. If you have a blog, you're welcome to talk about your progress there, but be sure to also tweet/toot the link with the hashtag #FinishThatSong.
Here's what I suggest:
Yes! Fun, artistic growth, connections with fellow creatives, new ideas, finished songs and much more. Oh, you mean material stuff? Sorry, nope.
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